Hello daters! We at the F'n Rad Dating Site just wanted to take a moment to check in. We have a new potential dater profile coming to you soon, and he is so excited to meet you all that he can barely tear himself away from his hidden cameras! More on that later...
In the meantime, an important word of advice. Always remember, if you are on a date, and you're chewing gum, and you need to get rid of it to dive in for the kiss, whatever you do, don't dispose of the gum discreetly. Instead, spit it out on the sidewalk and make sure to aim for an open location where someone is sure to step on it.
This dating tactic is referred to as "correct gum placement."
The F'n Rad Dating Site
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Stay Tuned, and a Suggestion.
Hello daters on the prowl! Hot singles on the scene! You're in the right place. We at the F'n Rad Dating apologize for the long hiat...
Hi F'n Rad daters! We at the F'n Rad Dating Site have been on an extended hiatus, but please don't dismay! Stay on the prowl, da...
Letter from potential dater, MaxBowWowDownToYou, to the F’n Rad Dating Site Dear F’n Rad Dating Site: Hello sssweethearts. As I’m a canine b...