Hello daters on the scene! If you have been religiously following this site (we know that millions have become obsessed with our genius dating suggestions), you will recall that a while back, we at the F'n Rad Dating Site received MrRogersMOFO's profile, and we thought it was purely spam; however, he later contacted our CEO, and she did some digging, and it seems that MrRogersMOFO is indeed a real, live, ready and willing potential dater, and so we were proven wrong, which has never, ever happened before. Deeply, we apologize to MrRogersMOFO for our inaccurate assumption. And so, here he is...
Letter from MrRogersMOFO to the F'n Rad Dating Site...
Dear F’n Rad Dating Site:
just a minute
let me take off my loafers
and put on something more comfortable
there now
i’m in my slippers yay
say “yay” with me
actually tan dearfoams
slightly moist
and yet stylish
hello younger ladies
please join me in my neighborhood
i am sixty and a half
i’m retired so
let’s buy a camper
travel the country
search for imaginary lands
never been married
not sure why
it doesn’t make any sense because i work hard
pay the bills
buy the girls occasional flowers or a box of assorted chocolates
and like everyone else
i enjoy puppets
except Lady Elaine Fairchild
because let’s face it that doll is terrifying
i am quite artistic
quite the Picasso indeed
i make marionettes
some of them look like real people
at night they come alive
i hope you will support me
on my art
would you mind stopping at Michael’s
to pick up
a package of stickers
and googly eyes
thank you
i don’t know why people like Elmo
give him a different voice
and everyone would run screaming
stay away from danger children
if you don’t mind, I’ll call you “Mrs. McFeely” in bed
i hope and hope
that one day
you will tear off my cardigan
my button down
my khakis
and suck my little
pee pee
-- C.A. MacConnell
Monday, November 20, 2023
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Letter from potential dater, BarbaraFriendofGays1234, to the F'n Rad Dating Site...
Dear F’n Rad Dating Site:
Hello to all of the internet! Especially gays! I’m Barbara. I just had my coffee with Miralax, because I was all stopped up! Not anymore! Now I think I’ll have some leftover turkey, if it’s still good in the fridge. Goshdarnit, wow, I’m not too great with these cell gadgets or computers or fancy new sites at all, but my kids suggested I put my profile on here just for some fun, haha, or I guess as you young ones say, LOL. Man, it has taken me all day to figure out how to post this. Now, now, I won’t tell you my real last name because yesterday, I did that, and I got taken for a real ringer. I thought I was talking to a LGBT3CPOQ organization and of course, right off the bat, I donated $3000 to the cause but oh my gosh, I later found out it was a fake spam person on the phone, and I can’t believe there are horrible people in the world like that. Right away, I had to call my neighbor, Sarah, and my sister-in-law, Suzanne, to warn them too. It boggles my mind that people would be such liars. Geezo, I also found out that Sarah’s getting a divorce, and Suzanne is having an affair with the landscaper, wow. Good for her. Her husband’s a good for nothing, lazy cheapskate with a nasty, mean dog that attacked my Maltese. Oh, please be quiet. I wasn’t supposed to share. Don’t tell anyone. I am not the type of woman to gossip.
Lord no, if you’re wondering, I’m sure not a lesbian. My husband, Dick, passed away last year, God rest his soul. I’m sure he’s up there playing 18 holes and drinking Budweiser with Jesus and his buddy Rod, who was quite feminine and in the closet I believe, but that’s between you and me. My gosh, I’m an empty nester now, but my five kids still keep me right busy, and they’re all straight as an arrow, which was disappointing to me, but nonetheless, I love them all just the same.
Name: BarbaraFriendofGays1234
Age: 70
Body type: working on it. Suzanne suggested that pilates class at the Y. I may have a go at it, because I heard the teacher is like Richard Simmons, who I adore. Is he part African American, with that curly hair? I’m not sure.
Gender: I am a female person, but I don’t mind if you were once female and are not anymore. It is a-okay. I also think it’s great if you’re male. If you’re not sure, you can come right over! I’m just here hanging out with the dog, who has a tummy ache, and nothing’s really going on, except the drier is really acting up, and the dust buster is on the blink, and now that I think about it, it’s been three days, and I really need to change the sheets, oh my. And gosh, the window cleaner’s coming in about a half hour. I better jump in the shower, because I’m sure crummy!
Hang on, I’ll be back.
I’m back. Clean now, but my hair is a wreck. My gay hairdresser would have a fit if he saw me right now.
Interested in: single or divorced men with a boat. I don’t like motorcycles, because my nephew had one, and he can barely see straight or walk these days, because of the accident. My brother told me he’s actually on the pipe, but I know he’s a good boy, and he’d never do drugs, so that’s silly. I do not like gossip. I mean, my brother’s one to talk. His wife called me the other day, and she told me the real reason they don’t have kids is because he only has one testicle. Between you and me.
Although I’m not interested in women for a romantic relationship, I love to meet lesbians; I see women with those cute, spikey, shaved cuts all the time when I’m out and about town, running errands, and I always smile wide and wave. One time, one of them even checked my car oil for me. So thoughtful. I treated her to a soft serve. In fact, now that I think about it, when I was young, nobody was a lesbian. Back then, I think there were some other gays, because I remember my neighbor Tommy having a really high voice when he missed a catch in football but in those days, no one invited the gays over for a meal, which was a real shame. Come over! I just got this yummy sourdough on sale, and I could warm it up. The butter’s straight from a cow over on the west side.
I would like to meet a straight man around my age, one who enjoys a good meal and some bird watching. The last man I dated, Richard Smitherman, who lives over on the west side, was a real looker, but I lost interest when his ex told me he used to bet on the horses, and then he said some negative things about the gay jockeys, which is something I will absolutely not tolerate.
Interests: I enjoy going to the grocery, tennis, boat rides, water aerobics, cul-de-sac neighborhood parties, chair yoga, having my kids’ gay friends over for dinner, and touching black babies.
I have to go! My window washer is here, and I think he or she or it is one of those trans people! And it’s Mexican too! Oh my gosh, I am so excited. I better brush up on some Spanish. I hope it’s still here in an hour, because right now, I’m whipping up some bean soup.
Monday, November 6, 2023
Letter from potential dater, SerenityNOw1875BringIt, to the F’n Rad Dating Site…
Dear F’n Rad Dating Site:
I ain’t gonna lie, ladies. Straight up, I’m real, real sick. It's been bad. I mean, real bad...since day one, so when you think of me, think of some deranged cripple. But now I got my sponsor, Biker Butch, and he’s living in some fourth dimension of spirituality, and I know it’s the right road and no lie...I just found out he’s one of those real-life transistor crossdressers, but now that I’m clean, his privates ain’t none of my business, and I just want you to know that I love all you fairies. Honest to God, it’s one moment at a time for someone so truly fucked like me. Serenity NOW, bring it. I’m shaking like the leaf, but as soon as they get these meds sorted out, I’ll be good to go, and maybe we can kick it, if you’re into psychos. I’ve never been too good at this dating thing. Killer Ben, who’s got two years, told me not to date for the first year sober, but I ain’t seen that anywhere in the books. I been praying about hooking up every second when I’m down, and after Bad Betty served up some homemade cheesecake at the noon meeting, I got the answer which is this: hells yeah, ladies, bring it. No lie, I just got my GED in the joint. I tried high school seven times, but none of them were having me, because they didn’t get my genius mentality. God bless that one principal who sent me to my first rehab. After Bald Bob explained it to me, I now know that principal was trying to save my life, which was real nice coming from that fat midget. I woulda made the diploma at number seven, if it weren’t for that time I did the shrooms and jumped off the roof thinking I was Superman, hells yeah, and I coulda slipped outta there no lie, but that history teacher sent me to the po-lice, which made me realize she was way more than a fat dike, and really an angel in my life, and no lie, I came outta that fall with only one little cartoon Band-Aid, because God was watching out for me. Hells yeah. I’m fresh outta my tenth detox, but no lie, I got it this time, doing the steps, and pretty soon, I get my new teeth and a place at the halfway or the sober living, so you can visit me there, and if you got some XS thrift T’s and size 13 Nikes, bring it. I think my head might explode because I already died 30 times, but the paramedics brought me back and that one time, there was one hot nurse, so I up and married her even though her family was a bunch of Injuns straight-up like Crazy Horse, so now I got three boys, but my old lady’s got custody down in Florida, and no lie, the Nazi judge gave me that restraining order, so I ain’t even been able to take them, you know, trick or treating, but that candy would kill my ulcers anyhow, so really, it’s a god thing, but I wasn’t listening to my higher power because yesterday, even with being all tore up, I ate 20 generic stale mushy Chips Ahoys, and I swallowed 35 cups of weak coffee, and no lie, I need new organs, but my dick is working again, which is a miracle through God’s grace, so bring it, ladies. I ain’t gonna lie, it was bad, real bad…I had my first drink when I was a baby and you know, the whole family was partying, and they didn’t even notice me spitting out my pacifier and slipping some Beam into my bottle, and there was probably even booze in my mom’s tit when I was sucking it, because I’ve been an alcoholic and addict since day one, and the problem is nobody but me. Me. I AM no better than dogshit smeared into your fly Adidas kicks. I rolled my first tricycle three times and when I got my Big Wheel, I was right loaded and ran over the neighbor’s guinea pig, but I thought it was a rat in suburbia, so I believed I was doing a nice thing and killing it, and then I saw my neighbor Georgie crying, and I will never forget the look on his face and goddamnit, Georgie, I can still see you, because your nastyass pimple cheeks are burned in my brain, and each moment I’m sober, I remember Clyde, your flat, tore up rodent and ever since then, I haven’t been able to go into a PetSmart without having a panic attack. By eighth grade, I was growing and selling weed, and I had connections all the way to Mexico, and for real, I led a double life, because everybody knows that down there, there’s nothing but sombreros, mustaches, tunnels, and cocaine, and no one on my block knew that every week, I was worried I might get shot or burned alive by super scary Spanish people, that I had to keep using to live and let live. My family couldn’t enjoy one Christmas without me pulling out the blow torch, and you know, they told me to cook the turkey, and when I was loaded, I took everything literal, and no lie, I once woke up in Hollywood with no pants on, and I soon found out that I had crashed my car into the bank window, tearing apart the ATM, and everyone on the block got some of that cash, so I made some friends, but they weren’t real friends, like my home group, but more like roaches you can’t get rid of, and that wasn’t even the worst of it, because the year before, I slept with my sister and lost my right leg on account of shooting up and the gangrene, but no lie, that still didn’t stop me, because I still hopped around and swallowed whatever was near, even on the crutches and at one point, even with the ankle bracelet and surprise piss tests, I was downing crates of vanilla extract, and I smelled like a fucking birthday cake, when I went and murdered a retarded kid, and then, I came to in the loony bin, and then, I was in the joint three years, and that’s where I learned more about black people and recovery. Well, I hope I didn't just puke out too much, but straight up, I'm for real open and fuckin raw, hells yeah, so if you like it, let's get freaky, and I'm all for you sucking my balls, even if you're chubby.
Body type: white, 6’3”, skinny as fuck
Status: separated
Hair: bleached, waist-length locks
Tattoos/Piercings: you can’t see my skin no more
Occupation: ashtray cleaner, shit shoveler, painter, window cleaner, HVAC technician, and sometimes I nanny for Loose Kathy, who’s got ten years clean and seventeen kids.
Smoke/Drink: Chimney/one day sober
Interests: group chat, choice street clothes, baggy jeans, food, sugar, food, more food, good food, spoiled food, free picnic food covered in bees and flies, week-old donuts, group meetings, getting to know you, even if your mom’s from Africa or West Virginia, smoking cigs, coffee, energy drinks, tattoos, piercings, branding, hanging outside in groups and not talking, getting rides, repeating positive affirmations, and Patty who’s got 45 years clean just taught me the crochet, so if you got yarn, bring it.
Interested in: I’m into women, 18-24, maybe a curvy girl with a pierced cheek. I could also dig a skinny cougar. If you want me to be gay, I ain’t playing. I think Fred who’s got 30 years might hook me up with another job real soon. I think it’s shoveling cow shit 70 hours a week, 10 dollars an hour, but I’m grateful, no lie. So, ladies, we can hit a meeting together, and there’s free food there sometimes, which would be cool, and then we can chill and bang or whatever…it works if you work it. No lie, I could use some Adidas sweatpants and a snap-back hat if you got it, bring it.
-- C.A. MacConnell
(Note from author: for anyone interested in my writing, fyi, I can do any genre, any voice, and it will always be 100% authentic and unique...because AI might be cool, but it can't duplicate original voice...it's impossible, because original voice comes from life experience, past and present, and with humans, there are variances and discrepancies, and there is also an element of mystery, because certain things enter the brain out of thin air. Just as it is impossible to explain God, impossible to explain the mystery between music notes, and impossible to explain the workings inside the specific touch of great paintings, it is impossible to manufacture original voice)
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Advertisement: B.S. Investments' Benji Booboo

Dog for Sale: B.S. Investments’ Benji Booboo
If you are a potential dater who is feeling lonely, and you can’t yet afford one of B.S. Investments’ horses for sale, do not dismay. Perhaps you are simply not yet prepared for equine or human pairing...
What you need is good old-fashioned time in the saddle with man’s best friend!
We at B.S. Investments are ecstatic to announce this recent news: yes, we have expanded into dog breeding! Benji Booboo is merely one of our available choice newbies, primed and ready for adoption, pending a potential dater’s full background check, driver’s license photo, copy of their latest utility check, social security number, the names of all their relatives and friends, a blood test, and access to their bank accounts. But indeed, if you pass our initial investigation, and you do qualify to adopt Benji Booboo or his sweet, devoted brother and sister puppies, and you are feeling quite unaccustomed to having successful relationships with people, Benji Booboo will soon help you learn the compassion, love, and care you will need in every single dating environs.
A full-bred, German Shepherd/Doberman/Pit bull/Wolf/Chihuahua/Rabid bat cross, Benji Booboo can attack and win at any dog show talent course; he is a proven American Kennel Club/Eukanuba National Champion, and he is as calm, collected, and affectionate as they come. Sired by the great LassieDidTimmy, Benji Booboo is bred to walk side by side with your family and rest assured, he is fully trained to protect all newborn babies from any possible threat. He enjoys snacking on live harp seals, kittens, and since he is quite elite, far removed from the plebeian American-bred Shepherds, Benji delights in the occasional side of pork chops and choice veal. An adept swimmer and crime fighter, Benji Booboo will never let you down. He also prefers to nap on the right side of the king size bed, while resting his ear on a satin pillow. In case he’s in a crabby mood, no worries, all he needs is a little snack...
This just in: with the adoption of Benji Booboo, thanks to our partner, Bryson Farms, you will also receive a dozen, heavily fattened, live, one-eyed, one-legged chickens!
For more information on Benji Booboo and our latest litter, please contact our 50-yr veteran horse trainer, Priscilla Isabel Soundbury.
Sincerely, all dogs go to heaven,
B.S. Investments
-- C.A. MacConnell
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Letter from potential dater, BUSHBabyHOttz4URRod, to the F’n Rad Dating Site…
Dear F’n Rad Dating Site:
I just want to be extremely clear. As a woman, I have every right to speak freely. I have every right to be heard. Ladies, I stand here today, for all of you, and for all those who have paved the way before us. I have spent the last 35 years wearing combat gear, speaking at feminist gatherings, and making sure my head is a perfect buzz cut at all times, so if any man even wants to try and hold the door for me, ask me out, or pay for our dates, for the rest of his life, his cock will never, ever see my hole. I mean, if it’s a really expensive restaurant, I guess he can pay, and that’s OK. But still, no sex for at least two weeks.
Now, let me tell you my story…
Ever since Stevie Smithwad stuck his hand down my pants when I was thirteen, stroking my private parts wildly, although I enjoyed it, and I came with a force, so much so that squirted a little, I’m here to say that there is NO EXCUSE for any of the Stevies of this world. Women of the world, repeat after me: I have a right to stick my own hand down my pants, and if I don’t want it to be Stevie, but I want it to be Bobby instead, because he knows the three-finger maneuver, I have a choice, and no one can make that decision for me except ME.
Also, I have a right to vote.
Thank you, past sisters, for starving yourselves so that I can vote today. I mean, if it were me, I probably would have sneaked in some Ritz or whatnot, but you rocked, and you were the real heroes, and I will never forget your suffering while I’m ordering pizza.
I have a doctorate in Women’s History, and I’m not dicking around here. This, right here, is my vagina, and I’m in charge of it. MY PUSSY, MY CHOICE.
Gender: FEMALE
Age: 55
Body type: naturally stick thin, huge tits, toned ass like a rock. FYI, I have not shaved my pits, legs, or vagina in 30 years, so if you love bush, you’ll love me, no question. I’m literally growing a forest down there, and if you don’t like it, you can go fuck yourself, which is something I can do expertly, because I have a suitcase full of self-love, and it’s rechargeable, so I don’t need you, really, but it’d be helpful because sometimes, my hand goes numb.
Interested in: MEN and one woman (you know who you were, goddamnit Patty we were good, but you sold out to that damn hot, hung biker, and I will never forgive you for succumbing to the other side)
Hair: I ALREADY told you. Right here, right now, STOP focusing so much on my exterior. My incredible intellect and unmatchable beauty are entirely internal, so if you don’t like my watermelon chest, then go find some Barbie-ass bitch, and I’m not talking about the new, feminist Barbie. I’m talking about those whiny, skinny, old Barbies with no dreams or visions other than the plastic Corvette. I mean, the car IS and WAS cool, but still.
Interests: camouflaged clothing, stuffed animals, rugby, gardening my bush hair, skin exfoliants, vagina steamers, cranberry juice, holding men’s hands before I leave them to speak at the women’s rallies across the nation, driving my ’69 Ford pickup, and lubricants solely geared toward female pleasure. We have to free half of the human race – the women – so that the other half can writhe in horny pain. If men are intimidated by me, then let them stand to the side and view me in tattered, sexy, revealing clothing. Of course, if I express my opinion on any of our dates, since I’m female, no doubt, you will automatically cut me down like I’m a doormat. During any such events, I’m prepared to withhold intercourse.
I will not be treated as a secondary issue, as long as I’m still standing in my pink miniskirt on this earth. I am fearless, EVEN THOUGH I am fully aware that women are the first to be affected by war.
Children: debatable, but I don’t believe I can breastfeed due to the DDD implants I had installed before my awakening.
-- C.A. MacConnell
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Hi F'n Rad daters! We at the F'n Rad Dating Site have been on an extended hiatus, but please don't dismay! Stay on the prowl, daters. Never give up. We're here for you! We have thousands of potential daters coming to you soon. Here's our latest dater on the scene, and she's not dancing around, folks. Straight up and short-haired all the way...
Letter from potential dater, Butterscotch666, to the F’n Rad Dating Site…
Dear F’n Rad Dating Site:
Name: Butterscotch666
Age: 6 months
Gender: Cis Female hamster
Interested in: Cis Male for mating, Trans M or F for friendship+ toys (for my dildo preference, please see below)
Body type: voluptuous in winter, toned in summer
Hair: buttery cream silky, short, but feathery
Interests: Good evening, F’n Rad Dating Site. I am not usually active at this hour, but I felt the need to be transparent and honor your site, as I am in prime condition for dating. Rest assured, I’m not your run-of-the-mill hamster. I rather enjoy running on the wheel, burrowing in my soiled bedding, hiding behind the water tank, stuffing my cheeks (later emptying my cheek pouches with great ease and dexterity), hibernating, chewing on any close objects (including human fingers and toes), and standing on my hind legs with dukes up.
Since I am in captivity, when I reproduce, although it is not my responsibility at all, I may become confused and chew on and/or swallow my babies. Again, I am not accountable for such actions.
Although I am rather introverted, occasionally, I enjoy an evening on the town involving seeds, grains, nuts, cracked corn, fruits, vegetables, insects, frogs, and gourmet food pellets or mixes. Mostly, I enjoy daytime activities, such as creeping along the sides of my cage. If you are not to my preference, you will know straight away, and there will be no confusion, as I tend to roll on my back with my incisors showing. Also, I may bite or nip at you; however, if you please me, I am rather shy and prefer to play dead.
On the other hand, if I am in love with you, you may spy me grooming in broad daylight. Yes, for any true love mate, I will surely squeak or chatter my teeth.
No stalkers please. If you’re considering it, please note that I quickly buried the last one in the shavings.
If I do find an interest in a particularly endowed male hamster, and I am ready to breed, there need not be any foreplay. I enjoy it when the male chases me in the cage, grabs me with his fingers, and inserts his penis into my vagina. We may have sex several times during a short period. That is how it works. Thank you very much.
-- C.A. MacConnell
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Letter from potential dater, IntrovertNancy104, to the F'n Rad Dating Site:
Dear F'n Rad Dating Site:
-- C.A. MacConnell
Monday, July 17, 2023
Introducing our C.E.O.
Hello daters on the scene! We may be a little late in the game in formally introducing our amazing C.E.O. here at the F'n Rad Dating Site, but we at the F'n Rad Dating Site just wanted to take a moment to give a shout out to our number one potential dater who hasn't dated for eight years straight...ten, really, minus the two-year snafu, so she has plenty of time to sift through the billions of dating applications we have received. She is ready and waiting for your profiles, so keep sending, daters! Here she is:
She wants you all to know that she likes My Little Pony, thunderstorms, and long walks in the park.
The F'n Rad Dating Site
Saturday, July 15, 2023
Dating Event Suggestions
Dating Ideas When it Doesn’t Fit: How to Scurry the Fuck Out of There
1. Go white water rafting, level 4, with no paddle, no guide, and no boat. (Our CEO actually participated in this dating event, and it worked like a charm. Her potential date disappeared for good, without a trace and with no legal consequences).
2. Fruit picking in Central Park at 4 a.m.
3. Candlelight dinner with a side order of gasoline.
4. Go for a bike ride through a thorn bush!
5. Bowling. The holes. Super Glue.
6. Take a ride on The Rotor at any local festival. The centripetal force USUALLY holds most daters against the wall but then again, some sweaty, bony, tattooed dude named Frank puts them together five minutes before the festival begins, so there’s always a chance for a mistake.
7. Go to a local park and bring some sidewalk chalk! You and your dater can take turns making funny pictures. Then, at a key emotional moment, over and over, only write this: “HELP ME!” and your dater’s sure to disappear. Also works with fingerpainting and body paint.
8. Feed the ducks together. Munch on stale bread and tell your date the ducks feel like your family of origin.
9. Suggest board games. Pull out Hungry Hungry Hippo. Cry and say it’s too “challenging.”
10. Instead of an artsy play, suggest watching Teletubbies.
11. Make dinner together and pull out your extensive knife collection, as well as your swords.
12. Head to the cemetery and tell your date you wish you knew what it was like to be buried alive.
13. Suggest extreme sports and/or curling.
14. Hm, breakfast. Point at your cat.
15. Museums! Suggest the Dog Collar Museum in England.
16. A serene hike up Mt. Everest!
17. Go caving when the sky looks stormy…laugh and wear a scuba outfit.
18. Go hunting or fishing together. Make sure to share about that time you took out an albino tiger with a machete, one swipe to the throat.
19. The zoo! Say it reminds you of how you spent last year.
20. Ice skating. Bring a blow torch and ask your date if they know anyone named Tonya or Nancy.
21. Look at the stars and remark about how you want to travel to Jupiter so bad like everyone’s been doing lately.
22. Arts and crafts! Suggest taxidermy.
23. A picnic. Bring a basket full of elephant shit.
24. Ropes course with slightly intact, tattered ropes.
25. Author reading, poetry reading. During the middle of it, shout, “You liar!”
26. Take a fancy car on a test drive. And don’t return it.
27. Give them a massage using WD40.
28. Putt Putt. Bring your monogrammed hockey stick and/or baseball bat. Just for kicks, put a little dried blood on the end.
29. Dancing. Remind them that you once were electrocuted and have little bowel control upon movement.
30. Karaoke and bust out “Bobby McGee.” No one wants to hear that, even if you’re Janis.
31. Build a blanket fort with a cardboard box and watch movies in your PJs, but say you’d rather be wearing the cardboard box.
32. Go on a ghost tour. Be the ghost.
33. Take a gentle exercise class together, such as a one-mile, 200lb sled push.
34. Plan a scavenger hunt in Celaya, Mexico.
Good luck, daters on the prowl! Until next time...sincerely, the F'n Rad Dating Site.
-- C.A. MacConnell
Saturday, July 8, 2023
Dear F’n Rad Dating Site:
Hold on, let me grab my megaphone: LADIEEESSS AND GENTLEMEN! WELCOME TO MY SHOW, DATERS!
Occupation: Stuffed Animal Claw Machine maintenance man, although some in my close troupe call me the “Prop Man.” Alas, I am an independent contractor, but I hold down full-time hours, and on the side, I also work for cherry pie.
Gender: Male
Age: 55
Hair: purple/black, thick as cotton candy
Attire: the finest, shiniest wardrobe, always, such as: a bright tailcoat (red with gold trim), a waistcoat, a black top hat, and a bow tie.
Here’s my best pitch: natives, towners, orphans, step right up! Settle down into any grocery store side show or movie theatre game room, aka, my front yard. In advance, if you’re one of the lucky few, perhaps I’ll even give you a pass to have your hand at The Claw! Gather ‘round and try and beat me at the game! Try and try again. It’s utterly impossible. No matter your take, I have the X on the machine. No novelties will ever reach your hands. You’ll stay deep in the blues, buried in the nosebleed section. Daters, your search ends at The Claw, my big house.
Interested in: not picky, folks! I like all onlookers, those with or without quarters and also, all passing fans with crumpled ace notes, fins, or sawbucks. Bring a spoiled buck, and the machine will spit it out every time! Daily, for hours, I swallow down some dukeys while watching the crowds attempt to shove a dollar in The Claw dollar feeder again and again and again. Also, watching trapeze, sideshows, Spanish web, handling pickled punk, participating in the iron jaw, and discovering human oddities are all activities that make me hard. Overall, I have a preference for jugglers, bally broads, and bally girls, and I admit…indeed…I have spent some time with the boys in clown alley.
Interests: I am an expert calliope musician. In the past, I’ve also worked as a candy butcher, a lion tamer, and I’ve graced the back lot of numerous concession stands.
Most people jumping around these parts know this undeniable fact: because of my machine maintenance skills, anyone may get on The Claw bandwagon, but all attempts will soon be proved hopeless! That’s right, when JohnnyHacksawTwoFingersClaw is in the ring, no one wins at The Stuffed Animal Claw Machine! Every day, with my secret, hidden grocery store cameras, behind my teaser curtain, in the back yard, which is off limits, where I have my dressing rooms, stock tents, stuffed animal cages and dens, I watch the screaming kids and mommies and daddies throw hundreds of quarters away, all the while listening to a chorus of passersby who remark the following: "Oh my god, I've never seen anyone win on that thing!" At this key point in the show, I laugh, nod, and watch attempt after attempt and failure after failure. Red lights all the way.
I love my life!
Go ahead, kick the machine.
Shake it.
Punch it.
Make a little wish.
Do a little dance.
Do it all again.
No matter what, it won’t work, friends. The Claw is mine.
Now, I will admit this: there is one, angular move…I repeat…one…secret way to win, but only I know the truth, although a certain audience member once came close. One wild cat, a forty-something woman wearing cartoon pajamas, entered the grocery near sunset, and she thought that she was beginning to catch on to my mastermind and yes indeed, she was able to grab one bull elephant’s ear, and she almost…I repeat…almost…dropped the creature in the hole. Every day, right on time, she came and made quite a speck, but I soon grew tired of her flea bag antics and so, I was forced to do this: I refilled the machine and stuffed the animals down in there so tight, even the smallest monkey had to struggle to breathe. After my slick maneuver, even when using distraction tactics, force, sheer talent, and dexterity, Pajama Woman couldn’t win.
Well, would you believe this: Sponge Bob Princess came back!
So, the next time I refilled the machine, I scattered the animals to the sides. I like to call it this: "curbing them," which means that there was no way The Claw could even reach a bear’s ear. I admit that the curbing maneuver was somewhat cruel.
Would you believe this: the Freak Show Woman still returned for more torture! Then, listen close, folks: she hunkered down. She shook the entire machine. She nearly broke the center pole. She even straddled the corner and humped the glass, attempting to make one of the tigers fall into a possible “grabbing location.”
I admit, it almost turned me on, but this is a Sunday school show. Anyway, she was oh…so…close.
So then, I had to pull out The Stuffed Animal Claw Machine emergency protocol. That’s right, I, JohnnyHacksawTwoFingersClaw, resorted to the lowest of the low. I stooped to a horrifying level that no one in The Claw Family has ever dared duplicate! I did this:

That’s right! I hooked the claw on its own cord, so no matter what maneuvers Onesie Woman tried -- shaking the machine, screaming at the joystick, punching the glass, whatever -- the claw couldn't move.
Bow down, Slipper Queen. You will fold every time. Time for your show to close. Shuffle home and find another Claw and dig your eyeballs out. The Claw Machine is mine. Take your unicorn slippers and go home emptyhanded like the rest.
By the way, when I’m done watching my roomful of hidden cameras, if you’re not busy later, we should make a show date under the stars, no tent. I like thunderstorms and long walks in the park. I’ll take you to the cook house. Or, when the flag’s up, maybe we could grab a dog or some floss at a grease joint. No worries, I’ll dig into the garbage and bring you a well-stitched tiger. But catch me while you can. Not sure if I’ll let you spend the night. Sometimes, after hours, I get itchy feet. If we’re in it for the long road, heading for touring and extensive travels, try to keep the baggage wagons to a minimum.
But rest assured, just as the curtains close, when we’re in bed, I’ll whisper that the secret of the entire circus is this: “By the way, for a sure win, you have to lovingly aim The Claw at the upright loner animal, ignore the body, and cover the whole head!”
Time to blowoff,
-- C.A. MacConnell
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Stay Tuned, and a Suggestion.
Hello daters! We at the F'n Rad Dating Site just wanted to take a moment to check in. We have a new potential dater profile coming to you soon, and he is so excited to meet you all that he can barely tear himself away from his hidden cameras! More on that later...
In the meantime, an important word of advice. Always remember, if you are on a date, and you're chewing gum, and you need to get rid of it to dive in for the kiss, whatever you do, don't dispose of the gum discreetly. Instead, spit it out on the sidewalk and make sure to aim for an open location where someone is sure to step on it.
This dating tactic is referred to as "correct gum placement."
The F'n Rad Dating Site
Saturday, June 24, 2023
Advertisement: B.S. Investments' Three-legged Dirty Harry

Make no mistake, riders. The rumors are true. Maybe Three-legged Dirty Harry wasn't made for the traditional racetrack, but after his extensive reform, Harry has stunned the equestrian world and proven himself in numerous disciplines. Just a mere two years back, our veteran, 40-year trainer, Priscilla Isabel Soundbury, graciously saved Three-legged Dirty Harry from slaughter in Florida. Equipped with automatic firearms, our elite, concealed-carry-trained veterinary team literally dragged Harry off of the boat when he was heading overseas for dog food. Although the meat cutters sawed off one of his legs before we could haul poor, innocent, suffering Harry to a sanctuary in Santa Cruz, California, just one mere year into his recovery, this soft-hearted, but determined talent, a 17h bay gelding, proved himself to the entire equestrian world. After his recovery, Harry went on to win the Grand National Steeplechase event, as well as the Grand Prix at Kentucky Indoors. Respected throughout the horse world, stylish and well-rounded through and through, Harry enjoys his time off on the automatic walker, as well as the aquaciser, in order to continue his therapy, but between sessions, he is ready and eager to carry any rider, large or small, experienced or novice; this show-stopper is a champion in any ring. In addition, with the purchase of Harry, the lucky owner will receive a full set of equine supplements, ten year's worth of monthly free nerve blocking treatments, as well as tools geared toward assistance with his breathing -- a full pack of tongue ties! -- all approved legal for horse sports.
For more information on this gentle, unique giant, please contact our 45-year veteran trainer, Priscilla Isabel Soundbury at DIR-TY33.
B.S. Investments
-- C.A. MacConnell
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Advertisement: B.S. Investments' Neck Triangle
B.S. Investments' Neck Triangle
Folks, pay attention. Not to the bear, no. Look closer. See that strange, triangle-shaped threading that has suddenly appeared on sweatshirts in recent years? Well, search no more...at B.S. Investments, we've recently received a patent, and we’ve named that sucker the "Neck Triangle." Think about it, daters…when you were growing up, a Neck Triangle never existed on any sweatshirt that you owned. Never. These days, when you head out to buy a sweatshirt, it is damn hard to find one without the Neck Triangle. They are everywhere. Take a look around -- all over the planet, people are wearing sweatshirts with the Neck Triangle. Soon, they will take over the world. And sometimes, even some long-sleeved T-shirts have the Neck Triangle. Pretty soon, short-sleeved shirts will have the Neck Triangle. Then tank tops. And yes,...we at B.S. Investments have discovered a way to sew the Neck Triangle onto bikini tops as well.
What is life without the Neck Triangle? Without it, it could cost you your job, your finances, your relationships, your personal hygiene, and in the years before the Neck Triangle existed, many were driven back to the booze. You see, if you remove the stitching of the Neck Triangle, mass chaos ensues. Soon, the shirt turns to threads. A bomb goes off in every major city. Aliens descend from Uranus. Next, you guessed it -- Tom Cruise and the War of the Worlds. Armageddon, people.
Go ahead. Head on out to the store and without a doubt, you’ll see B.S. Investments’ Neck Triangle on a tank top. Soon, it’ll spread across the nation and the world. Don’t miss out! Get your Neck Triangle before it's too late!
Now, you might ask yourself this: Yo, what the fuck is that thing? Why is it there? What is the purpose? Exactly. That’s where the genius rests. Just buy it. Who gives a fuck.
And when you look down, keep asking yourself, Yo, what the fuck is that thing?
For more information on the Neck Triangle, please contact B.S. Investments at 543-NECK.
B.S. Investments
-- C.A. MacConnell
Saturday, June 3, 2023
Dear F’n Rad Dating Site:
Straight from the horse’s mouth, I am 100% alone. This gig is solo. Not attached at the hip. The writing is on the wall. I know this may seem like a pipe dream, or that something's fishy here, but it’s completely solid. Flatten your goosebumps, or I’ll read you the riot act. I admit I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and I’ve been playing hooky all day, but I’ve got the plan in mind, and here’s what will happen: tonight, we’ll lick this plan into shape. I won’t beat around the bush here, cheesecake. Hope I’m not barking up the wrong tree, but follow my rules, and it’ll be as easy as falling off a log. When you arrive at Shaft Records, my old stamping ground, I will be standing near the Lionel Ritchie collection wearing all black. And a redneck trucker hat, just to fit in. And some enormous, mod, green sunglasses. I will be the only one not wearing Chuck Taylors, so you will know for sure it is me, Sniffles. When you see me, say, “I like Lionel, don’t you?” And I will respond, “I just bought a Guns-n-Roses poster.” And I will show you the poster, and I will give you the white elephant. You will do a double take, and we will face the music and know we are soul mates. That’s the plan. The plan will not change, so no worrying, prima donna. I am never wishy-washy. Do not even look at anyone else or talk gibberish, or I will develop a stiff upper lip, then turn into a green-eyed monster. On the flip side, once we make contact, you can let your hair down, and we’ll have a makeout session to break the ice, then let out all of our skeletons from the closet and go for a bite. I heard through the grapevine that some of you got in some trouble laying an egg when you attempted dating on this site. Now, I pulled some strings over at Wild Hole Food Bistro, where we can swallow some chicken feed and stare at the skid row bums. They know I’m a bigwig. So, we can build a fire under that grocery gang and save the cash for later. If you think I’m going to sponge off of you forever, you’re mistaken. But if I smell a rat at Hole Food, we’ll have to skip back to my place. I know you’re a little wet behind the ears with making whoopee, but we can give it a whirl. But if you go AWOL before morning, you'll be dead as a doornail by afternoon. I caught my last date, MsShyStr8Shooter, red-handed trying to sneak out. Well, she was at the end of her rope anyway, I guess. I hope it’s not raining cats and dogs. I have somewhat of a cold. Snif, snif. We’ll just have to bite the bullet and give it a shot. Rest. The night might prove to be exhausting, because I really like to dance, and as for hip hop moves, I am the top banana. I’ll get three sheets to the wind, and you can watch and have your nicotine. We’ll paint the town red, darlin. I respect your business of dating, but not the country that it serves. For this reason, if the date doesn’t go well, I will surely get my hands on another cracker jack. If any of this rubs me the wrong way, and if there’s any question in your mind who is running the show here, well, it’s me. No pressure on your end. I never keep a lady guessing. Always stick to the plan. However, I’m not pulling your leg here. If you do not follow my instructions, I will put you through a rigorous makeover.
Name: SnifflesClishay007
Age: No spring chicken
Status: Widower, she’s six feet under
Gender: your man
Looking for: let me rack my brain…if the partner knows all of my business and then wants to skedaddle, well, we’ll have to settle that when the time comes, involving target practice. And we will settle it. I enjoy closure.
Interested in: fast cars, late night quickie marts, hanky panky, pull-up bars, thunderstorms, fast, long walks, large duffel bags, locked suitcases, blowing bubbles, playing hide and seek on trains and subways, cracking crossword puzzles, walking my pit bull, mass quantities of Sudafed, science experiments, nipping things in the bud, baseball bats.
Occupation: graveyard shift, “warehouse lab technician,” don juan, the life of riley, read between the lines, I’m either loaded or I don’t do diddly squat
Body type: 5’8″, super sheik, I make young ladies blush and grannies laugh, up to snuff, fit as a fiddle
Eyes: brownish
Hair: bald, clean as a whistle
Tattoos/piercings: not sure what to make of the whole shebang
Children: Johnny, fifteen. He’s off the cuff. Helps me around the lab. I’d like to have a few more and keep it in the family, if it’s in the cards, because lately, business has been very busy, and we’re really filling up the trucks, and we could use a few more hands around the warehouse. Johnny’s nothing to be sneezed at.
Favorite movies: Blow, Pulp Fiction, Oceans 11, Die Hard, and don’t tell anyone, I mean it, if you do, there will be trouble, but I do love All Dogs Go to Heaven. Snif, snif.
Favorite TV shows: Cops, The Science Channel, and Dancing with the Stars makes me cry buckets.
I am on cloud nine, hanging on by the skin of my teeth. I WILL SEE YOU AT SHAFT RECORDS. Don’t make any first moves and don’t spill the beans, under any circumstances. No loopholes here. The man should always shoot the bull, then make the first move. And bring home the bacon. Don’t pass the buck or let the cat out of the bag. I will tell you when to act, and there won’t be any trouble, and you will have yourself a new boyfriend, lock, stock, and barrel. Remember, you don’t know beans about this, if anyone asks. If you hit the panic button, I might go haywire, and someone might kick the bucket or become a sandwich, hit the bitter end, see.
Well, I’m gung ho on this one. Can’t wait to see you, sweetheart. You are the bee’s knees. I’m afraid I might fall for you hook, line and sinker.
My motto: hands down or throw in the towel.
--C.A. MacConnell
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Advertisement: Oreo Cookie Mega Stuff

For more information on B.S. Investments' Oreo Cookie Mega Stuff, please contact our 30-year veteran trainer, Priscilla Isabel Soundbury at 543-MEGA.
B.S. Investments
-- C.A. MacConnell
Sunday, May 28, 2023
Letter from potential dater, SweatItOut987, to the F'n Rad Dating Site...
Dear F'n Rad Dating Site:
Hello, F’n Rad daters! I admit I haven’t been dating much, due to my recent health problems. Currently, I have a rather large boil on my testicle, but I popped it, so I don't think it's infected. Here’s a picture I posted to Facebook in order to get some feedback. I’d like your opinion on it...
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Body type: gaunt
Hair: bald, due to a bout of psoriasis
Looking for: a sterile person. I also have a flu/covid/ear infection or something, as well as a torticollis of the neck, and so it may be difficult for me to turn my head and kiss you, but I will try! I would love to date if I weren’t so sick. The last time I got really sick like this was back in 2000. That's why I'm so incredibly stubborn when it comes to getting ill. I hate resting, but this one has taken me out. Now, I would visit the doctor, but I feel that social media is a better reference, and when it comes to this stuff, you and your body are on your own. But if you get sick, and we’re dating, my advice is to sweat it out.
Interested in: did I just hear you cough? You need rest, then you’ll feel better after you watch another movie. OH, I’ve had what you have. Better make sure you’re on an antibiotic. You should call someone to take a look at that! I’m on Flonase, but whatever you do, don’t use Afrin, because that’s addictive. My doc is great. You should call her. Mucinex works. You should try that. Or maybe not, you're already on some stuff, I dunno. Use that saline spray. That'll help your throat. Your eyes look red too. Back a few years ago, I had conjunctivitis once! My eye was seeping out and disgusting. It was like pouring out. Sounds like a BAD one. How’s about an ear candle? You ever tried that? I love those things. They're so cool. I don't know if they work, but they're cool. You're fine. You're getting better. Give it some time. Oh, man, you should call the doctor. I know you're not good at it at all, but maybe you should take it easy. Oh, I've had that before, it's BAD. Oh my god, I think I'm getting that too! It’s going around. Everyone at the office has it. I think my boss is still coughing, and I think he has the same thing, but he's two days ahead of you, I think. My Mom's been dealing with that all month. Make sure you eat. You gotta eat. Do you have a fever? How high? Try that neti pot. Do you have one? I don't have one, but I hear they work great. It's all connected up there...it's all just mucous. This could be life-shattering, and you’ll probably need surgery, but I have a strategy for you if you’re interested. Whether you are dealing with allergies or a heart attack, Epsom salts should do the trick.
Did your ears just pop? Mine did. I also have an inverted nipple. I think I’ll hit the google search and Web MD. Wonder why my left hand isn’t working. And it seems as if there is blood pouring out of my right eye. Wonder what that means.
Can’t wait to spoon! With gloves on! See you soon! Can't wait to make love wearing plastic! <3
-- C.A. MacConnell
Sunday, May 7, 2023
Advertisement: Serene Moondancer
Hi daters! When we received the letter from IAMBobbieH2O yesterday, we were not aware of what the consequences might prove to be. It seems that while he was sending his profile to us at the F'n Rad Dating Site, Bobbie was slightly distracted at Bobo Breeze Indoor Water Park! when he was supposed to be lifeguarding children. Unfortunately, as a result, we have come into some slight legal trouble. Until we can sort out the details, please bear with us as we send you a word from our sponsor, B.S. Investments. Thank you for your patience. Sincerely, the F'n Rad Dating Site. And now, a word from our sponsor...
Serene Moondancer, or "Moon," as we call him at the barn, after earning the title of "United States Equestrian Team Horse of the Year," Moon showed on the A-circuit hunter/jumper level for 10 years, qualifying for Nationals, easily winning the Maclay Medal finals 5 years in a row. Proving himself as the perfect equitation horse on the planet, in addition, Moon is as calm and collected as they come, appropriate to use for walk/trot, crosspole, lead line, and beginner lessons. A smooth, mature ride, he has known success in every equestrian discipline, from barrel racing to intercollegiate to short stirrup. In 2010, once again, he galloped into stardom when he won the Kentucky Derby with lengths to spare. A mere short time later, he trotted his way through elite Saddlebred classes, moving on to become a Dressage legend. Although he has been gelded since his time on the track, Moon still prefers the ladies, and he would make a perfect trail horse for any aspiring, wealthy, retired owner who enjoys carrying a flask inside her hunt coat. As versatile as they come, Moon requires no turnout, as he is accustomed to the stall life 24/7. Over the years, during his endless time inside, he has learned to only poop and pee in one small corner of the stall, which makes for an easy clean. Although he cribs and kicks the barn walls so much that we had to renovate half of the stable, in hindsight, we realized it really needed a new look. Once, he escaped and adeptly kicked out the automatic watering system in every stall, causing a flash flood and the death of 3 cats, but it washed our aisles, making them sparkle and shine...well...like the moon. Daily, while cooped up, Moon has been quite useful. Often, Moon takes out at least 10 barn rats with one swipe of his hoof.
Such a champion shouldn't be endangered by time outside in the field.
If you are interested in Serene Moondancer, please contact our 20-year, veteran trainer, Priscilla Isabel Soundbury at 543-Moon.
B.S. Investments
-- C.A. MacConnell
Saturday, May 6, 2023
Dear F'n Rad Dating Site:
Safety is my middle name. If YOU get in the way of my safety or the safety of one of these kids that have parents but are really MINE, we're done. You are no longer a part of my life if you mess with MY kids or the safety precautions necessary for my work. Just something I have to suffer through daily, a commitment of the job. And it won't change, so don't hope.
Anyway, I'm Bobbie, and I mostly like to stand.
I'm a lifeguard over at the Bobo Bird Breeze Indoor Water Park! I earned my whistle the other day, and I feel very at home here. There are many interesting people like me that work here. There's Pat, Chris, Charlie, and my best friend in the whole world, Chuck. I like Chuck the best because he knows who he is, and I aim to be that kind of person. We all do here. Chuck is the head lifeguard, and it takes MANY INTENSE TRAINING CLASSES to achieve his status and know who you really are. When he started here, he had to wear a life jacket, and he would only swim in the Lazy River or the 2'6" baby pool, and his name was Stacy.
Hang on, just getting used to the water this morning for work. Have to EASE in. Little chilly today. One should always allow the body time to adjust. Otherwise, a child could experience SHALLOW WATER BLACKOUT, NARCOSIS, AND OXYGEN TOXICITY, as well as IMPENDING COMA OR DEATH. Make sure to allow 30 minutes after eating before getting in the pools OR YOU MIGHT CHOKE ON YOUR OWN VOMIT OR LOSE CONTROL OF YOUR MUSCLE MEMORY AND DIE. I'm tougher than the children, because I practice for hours before work. I'm told by my coworkers that I would make a good polar bear, deep sea unknown fish, or megalodon.
Sorry, I'm a little distracted BY THE GOOSE BUMPS. Just adding in some HEAVY DUTY CHLORINE. We put so much chlorine in this pool, YOU’LL BE TASTING IT FOR DAYS if you go for a swim in here. Also works well for acne control. Good thing, too. Just about every kid around ILLEGALLY URINATES in this pool. Every now and then, straight sugar puke. Even saw one UNATTENDED TODDLER DEFACATE UNCONTROLLABLY in the baby pool once, but don't tell the parents because the parties are really expensive here. Hang on, let me take care of this IMPENDING HEALTH HAZARD. I must clean this wet Band-Aid and hair out of the drain.
Interests: CPR, Watching children, CENTERS FOR MISSING CHILDREN, fountains, tubes, pools, chemicals, ceramic mushrooms that shoot out water, plastic palm trees, watching sprinklers, family showers, RISK ASSESSMENTS, cheez pizza, MAINTENANCE OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, vanilla bean ice cream, birthdays, FIRST AID KITS, twirling my whistle, wearing suits with shorts, scuba diving, diving in general, goggles, HEALTH AND WELFARE, enjoying 80 degree weather all year round, RED CROSS SAFETY CLASSES, shopping at DICKS Sporting Goods, AMERICAS MOST WANTED, football, baseball, field hockey, POISON CONTROL, women's olympic swimming and sometimes men's, FIRE AND EMERGENCY PROTOCOL, synchronized swimming, HEIMLICH MANEUVER, mermaids and mermen, cartoons with mermaids and mermen, MOUTH TO MOUTH, and drag shows at The Porthole down by the river.
Body Type: a li'l extra on the sides and the middle and legs and arms, although my legs are pretty muscular from standing. Chuck tells me I'm as wide as I am tall, and I like to be consistent with that, so I work at by eating as much pizza and ice cream and cake as I can whenever the kids have a birthday party here, which is every day or so. Just one of the perks of the job.
Eyes: brown, SLIGHTLY TAINTED and bloodshot from this water. I'm actually not sure what's in this water, but there's no bacteria, because nothing could live in this water. Absolutely nothing. IF YOU JUMP IN TOO SOON, THINK SILENCE OF THE LAMBS WHEN HANNIBAL ESCAPES BY CHOPPING OFF THE GUY’S ENTIRE FACE.
Looking for: I am looking for someone like Chuck, who knows what they want, although I'm not sure I want someone named Chuck. Perhaps I would like someone named Jo or even someone with a one letter name like E or M or something more subtle. Someone who looks nice in a bikini and/or trunks. I don't have any tattoos but when adults swim at Bobo Bird!, I become very excited and comment on their tattoos when I'm bored. And especially if they are attractive people, but I only do this if no kids are waiting to ride the slides, because I have to make sure the light is green when kids enter the tubes. RED LIGHT, NO GO. I REPEAT, WAIT FOR THE GREEN OR YOU COULD SLIDE SIDEWAYS ON THE TUBE AND NEED TO HAVE YOUR LEGS AMPUTATED. I SAW SOMEONE LOSE A FOOT TO THE YELLOW LIGHT.
Occupation: Lifeguard at Bobo Bird Breeze Indoor Water Park!
Age: 20ish
Gender: Male-ish
Kids: Not sure if I can, due to an accident that happened on Bobo Bird! Jungle Jim during the Hose Fest! last year.
Hair: Brown, short, sticks straight up. I love waterproof hair wax.
Interested in: Yes. I've been single a really long time, actually, my whole life. I have many diverse friends, so I'm not depressed, but it would be nice to have a significant other person who is short, tall, heavy, slim, or medium, although I think a person with thin legs and a nice size chest and a large back would work best in case I need help rescuing anyone. Someone with a rescue dog would be welcome. GIVE ME TIME TO WARM UP AFTER I GET OUT OF THE POOL. OTHERWISE, SHRINKAGE.
Thank you so much for reading my profile. Well, before the families arrive, I have to go see if I can hang from that netting cross the lily pad pond today without falling in! I have faith I can do it today. Yesterday, I fell in and did a sort of loud cannonball and Chuck was texting, but when he was done texting he really laughed.
Come visit Bobo Bird Breeze! I'll give you a free three-hour wristband; however, delays might happen if we're dating. Just one of the TOUGH AND DANGEROUS aspects of my job. Wanted to be up front about that. There may be days, nights, even weeks of disappointment for my lovers, due to time spent saving Bobo Bird's! childREN IN NEED. IF YOU DON’T FOLLOW MY INSTRUCTIONS AND ENTER THE POOLS TOO SOON, THE CHEMICALS COULD MELT YOUR SKIN OFF LIKE NICOLAS CAGE IN FACE-OFF HOLY SHIT I LOVE THAT MOVIE BUT MY CHILDREN WILL NEVER LOSE THEIR FACES WHILE I’M ON DUTY.
Sunday, April 30, 2023
Letter of Sympathy from DaManDaMutt12345
We’d tell you the particulars, but we’ll keep it to ourselves out of respect for her family. Never mind, here goes. As we all know, Melon was openly seeing our other potential dater, DaManDaMutt12345, and we are pleased to know she found true love before she died. It seems that Melon was on her way to the recording studio to pick up Mutt while he was finishing up fresh Phil Collins mixes, when poor Melon lost control of his souped-up Hyundai, and she rolled it three times. But that wasn’t what killed her. She crawled out of the twisted, burning wreck, dusted herself off, and headed to the Newport on the Levee, where she became enamored with the man from the zoo holding the boa constrictor as a fun display. Of course, brave Melon asked to hold the snake, and the boa took a liking to her, and that snake hugged her close, but she threw it down and chopped it’s head off, so that wasn’t what killed her either. After Melon caught her breath, she decided to catch a movie, on account of the “choice snacks,” like her man always said. Melon became slightly carried away with the popcorn/twizzler combination, which formed a hard ball in her mouth, and she swallowed that ball of petrified goo, and it lodged just so in her throat, and she lost her life “choking like a DNA daddy on Jerry Springer,” her tanked Mama said later. We are sorry to see her go. Please send the family and DaManDaMutt12345 your condolences.
Her potential man, the skater, DaManDaMutt12345, was gracious enough to write a sympathy letter to Melon’s Mama, and we’d like to share it with you now, as we feel it is an appropriate example of how to write a compassionate sympathy letter. Read and learn. Sincerely, and with sympathy, the entire F’n Rad Dating Site.
Letter of Sympathy to Melon's Mama, from DaManDaMutt12345
Dear Melon’s MILF, one liquored up Mama who gets me:
Holy shit, Mama, you’re ripe, you know wha I’m sayin? Baby wipe your pits, you feel me? I have a truckload of the choice unscented Pampers I lifted from the IGA, yo, and you’re at that age when you can’t trust a fart, like when I’m comin’ down from the China White, and I have no idea how I might toss out my insides, so I feel you, and I’m comin’ to save you like Aquaman rising up from some goddamn paradise ocean.
Whaddup Mama? I'm real fuckin’ sorry that bitch Melon is gone. We both know she might be in heaven, which is something like a drained pool you wanna hit with your brother all night – no cracks, no drains, no falls – just a nonstop smack party like no other. Now don’t get all wussy on me, Mama. You skate, you break bones, you die. We all know Melon’s in a better place, organic or some shit, but fuck, now that I think about it, we really don’t know that, do we? I mean, that tithouse chick, aka Planet Nipple, could be stuck in a Chuck E. Cheese in the sky, and we’d never really know. I’m just glad that fuckin’ horny bitch’s suffering is over, because you and I both know she was hitting the snake man as a side order, along with that white-haired bony girl at the car dealership. No more than a lost dog, but on account of the way she sucked down curly fries, maybe she’s inside a superdeluxe Rally’s or packed tight in a Happy Meal Neverending Story now. I believe in the Big Fat Man in the Sky, with his super creepo divine dick. Actually, not sure if she’s better off. How the hell would any brother know that for real? I’m sure you and the fam are full of sorrow and grief but get your ass up and have some funtimes. Find some ugly baby, call it cute. Put those supersuds and salts and squishy balls in the bathtub and shine your ass like you’re E.T. waiting for the mother ship. Hit the mall and get pedicures. Wax yo’ legs and soup your face up with toxic mud or get horny and find a choice cucumber and ram it home or some shit. I’m sayin’ you need to chill like a beast, ‘cause we all get sad and want to Dragonslay some skater who hit the pipe first, but from what Melon told me, you need some relief, because you are one crazy motherfucker.
Mama, hear me – Melon will always be with you deep on your insides, wrapped up in your intestines like a pile of worms, like you’ll be constipated forever, trying to push her fat, decaying self out your wrinkled hole; I don’t know if she’s happy about that or not, because when she was alive, she sometimes didn’t really want to be with you, but now her ghost’s stuck in your ass like a monster, skeleton turd. Her goddamn spirit will be part of you no matter where you go, even when you and the fam start burning your couch and hitting the T-bird. I know that you hoped for more time to spend with her, like an Easy Lover, but really, that was codependent as all hell, and every last brother at the skate park backs me on that action. But the sunset all-you-can-eat buffets you hit meant so much to her. She puked it all out on me when we were down at Newport on the Levee hunting for chicks and threesomes at the bowling alley. Just know that she loved you as much as those supersize bags of Lucky Charms, when she didn’t want to kill you, even that year when you were chubby. I know you will miss her insanelike, because, without her you will have to take a look at the failings in your own sad life.
Anytime, when the rooster screams or when the dope boys come out of the alleys, hit me up at the studio, the skate park, or on da live chat. Text me your digits, especially if you see some skinny cat lubed up and ready to go. With my deepest sympathy, sorry I missed the funeral. My friend Grinch fired up that new Mission Impossible flic. Tom Cruise is for real, spider-climbing those skyscrapers smoother than any superhero, even Batman, who kills it with that magic, supersonic car.
Sorry for your loss, Mama. I’ll get at you later when I’m not so high. I’m more girly when I’m coming down. Yo, I’m here for your ass, any time you need me - just to listen, or to talk, or if that sister with the smokin’ abs feels like having insane grief sex.
Christ, Tom Cruise. What fucking stamina.
-- C.A. MacConnell
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Advertisement: Mister Magic Man

Sired out of the great Lipizzaner stallion, Dickinson Rabbit, Mister Magic Man has graced our stable since he was a mere foal, fresh out of the sack of the great Welsh mare, Glenda Good Witch, known by all in the horse world to have the smoothest vagina in the land. Rest assured; Magic is like no other horse. He requires little to no upkeep. Magic eats flowers, drinks fresh air, doesn't make manure, and instead of the chiropractor, we call in the woodland fairies, who are extremely affordable. Unlike other show horses, with perfection and ease, Magic jumps the 4' Regular Working Hunter classes barefoot, as his hooves are made of pure gold. Although he will sometimes disappear due to his invisible powers, Magic always returns for the Florida show circuit season, and the proof is in the ribbons. Certainly, in cases of a tie, the horn comes in handy.
B.S. Investments
-- C.A. MacConnell
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Dating Suggestions: WAGD
New Beauty Cream: WAGD!
New skin care product on the line, ... for you.
Fresh, unique, affordable, and it works like no other face cream you have experienced before. Right here, right now, throw away all of your current beauty treatments, because what we’ve developed in our laboratories will take them all to the cleaners …
And your first sample is FREE! That's right, 100% free!!
... and then, for the low monthly membership of $49.99, you can treat your skin right up until your last breath. And if you act now, you can join during the trial period for only $49.69 per month!!!
We're waiting for you.
Recent scientific findings show that our product goes beyond where any skin cream has gone before. Our revolutionary cream, called WAGD!, “We’re All Gonna Die!” is absolutely pure and unrefined, containing many chemicals, but no harsh ingredients. WAGD! is made entirely of nothing but all natural, unfiltered tap water. That’s right, tap water. Carefully bottled near a stream in Mesopotamia, our tap water is the finest on the market. Add a little soap, and presto, clean face skin. Experts have found that WAGD! has been helping all genders for centuries. It might seem that you could just use your own tap water; however, ours is carefully geared toward everyone. That's right, everyone -- the young and old, toddlers and infants, and even animals. Whether you are fat as hell, skinny as a rail, gay, straight, confused, a Democrat, a Republican, or Bernie Sanders, our team of research panelists have discovered that WAGD! tap water is the finest in the world, and it is highly effective ...
for you AND your horse.
ACT NOW, and you'll receive a free bar of lye soap along with your bottle of WAGD!! If you're a new customer, we’ll also include a free “We’re All Gonna Die!” T-shirt! What more could you ask for?
If you're STILL not convinced, here are some recent testimonials:
“Before I tried WAGD!, I tried all of the most expensive beauty creams imaginable. Through your company, I've realized that I’m just gonna die, and I’ve been using your tap water ever since. This change has completely altered my life.” – Betty “Sandface” Lynn, CEO and straight mother of two, Massachusetts.
“I’ve been wearing my WAGD! T-shirt out shopping and everywhere I go, people stop me to ask what I’ve been doing because I look so different. When I tell them I’m almost dead, I get so much attention. So rewarding!” – Rachel Zimmerban, single closet lesbian mother, Iowa.
“WAGD! Oh my god, I love you,” – Steve Carbonwise, flaming gay lawyer and pie maker, Germany.
“At first, I just used the trial package, and I saw that my skin was beginning to flake off, but when I realized that WAGD! was automatically charging my credit card, I thought, ‘What the hell, they’re right, who cares if my face melts and I go in debt, because we’re all gonna die.’ I feel so free! I will be a committed member until I’m dead!” – Lucy “Patchycheek” Smithers, taxi driver, asexual, into toys, Dubai.
Sadly, due to climate change and increased shipping costs, our product will soon be unavailable...you must act NOW.
Thank you so much to our new customers! We look forward to doing business with the world. We aim to please. Our customer service team is ready and waiting!
THIS JUST IN: if you hurry, we'll also include a FREE "We're All Gonna Die" key chain.
The WAGD Team
-- C.A. MacConnell
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Success Story: MsBaristaGrindXO298
Letter from MsBaristaGrindXO298 to the F’n Rad Dating Site…
Dear F’n Rad Dating Site:
OHHHHHHHH. MrBarista777, me in shitter at work, read yer resposne on site hereyestereday, im no starbuck star like you, just a lowly bakery barstia, but no tim to write bk, gotta make cookie & sweep up kids cake icing & choco syrup all over floor fuckin toddler Peecassos. Just hit whip cream nitrous, Hahahahhhahahaha. Ahhahhahahahahahh. Livingon caramelnut brownies, cakepops, & drk choco espresso bean. Off at midnght. Marry u round 2am? Bak here 3am. Sry. Cya soon. XO, 777. Willwritesomeday but Hope you get my feels. Til then, Here’s my day….wait, nuther empty whip…lemme hit that nozzle again…. hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah…ok, bak. Here’s an exacto transcript, my day…
Customer (approaching register with a walker, looking wet): Hello young lady! I'll have a coffee for here.
Barista: On the house. I'm so sorry you're a cripple.
Customer: What did you say? Wow, it's really raining out there!
Barista: Thank god, I love the rain.
Customer: Oh, that's nice, you do?
Barista: (smiling wide) Yeah, drives most people away from here.
Customer (furrowed brow): Well, that’s some greeting.
Barista (wiping her nose): Sorry, how’s this – how can I help you?
Customer: You know, you really shouldn't wipe your nose when you're greeting a customer. Very rude.
Barista: Oh, sorry, I just have this massive booger in there, just trying to dig it out. Hang on, let me see if I can get it and show you. Then you'll understand.
Customer (raising brows): ANYWAY, I think it’s about to storm out there.
Barista: Really? I should bring the tables in from outside. Or would you like to? You look like the kind of woman who could use a workout.
Customer: Funny.
Barista: No, I'm serious. Your arms are flabby as hell.
Customer: The nerve! But it's weird...it’s muggy inside here.
Barista: Yep, the windows are all steamy.
Customer: Is your A.C. broken?
Barista: Good guess. No, we're preparing the room for later when we turn this into a hot yoga studio.
Customer: Whoa, how is it you still work here?! Before I order, can I have change for a dollar?
Barista: Sure, just using me for change, eh?
Customer: Um, I’m gonna eat here.
Barista: Yeah, that's what they all say...
Customer: No really, I’m ready to order as soon as I get some change.
Barista: Ha! You're really good.
Customer: I'm serious! Can I have some change?
Barista: Not sure...now I feel kind of used, and I'm really not that kind of person anymore.
Customer: I will spend money here! Give me some change!
Barista (chomping gum): Let me go take my smoke break back out by the dumpster and think about this issue we're having, and we can talk it out in an hour or so, when we've had time to think it over and decide on a better course for our relationship.
Customer: Geez, never mind, I’ll take my chances on the ticket. You know, you really shouldn't chew gum while you're working. It's rude.
Barista: I know, so sorry. Here, (taking the gum out of her mouth and sticking it on the counter) will you hold on to this for me for later?
Customer (shrinking back): I'll have the usual.
Barista: I'm sorry, was that the latte, or the Italian soda?
Customer: It's the blueberry tea.
Barista: Oh, that's right, I had you confused with another fat cripple. We’re out of that tea.
Customer (making an "O" with her mouth) Ohhhhh, are those beautiful teapots for sale?
Barista (making an "O" with her mouth): Ohhhhh, NO.
Customer (looking right): Is that the health department here?
Barista: Probably.
Customer (shrugs): Oh, well, I'll have the soup.
Barista: You sure? Not sure what's in it. You ever watch that movie, Fried Green Tomatoes?
Customer: Forget the soup. I’ll have a smoothie.
Barista: Man, seriously?
Customer: What?
Barista: Oh, nothing, it's just that I just cleaned the blender. You know, disinfected it and everything for closing.
Customer: Won't you have to use it again? It's only 10 a.m.
Barista: Yeah, I usually start closing around 10 a.m. I like to be prepared. I'm a real go-getter.
Customer: Oh I see, well, can I get that smoothie anyway?
Barista: Hm, let’s see, sure, but if you want whipped cream, I'm sorry.
Customer: But doesn't that come with it?
Barista: Yeah, normally, but I already cleaned the whipped cream nozzle, and I don't want to get it dirty again. See, I'm nervous that I won't get everything done before 6.
Customer: Can I have a blackberry one?
Barista: Sure, as soon as I go down to the farmer's market and gather some blackberries for you, and then I have to stop behind our dumpster and have my smoke break. Right after that, it'll be right up.
Customer (rolling eyes): All right, well, strawberry?
Barista: Hm, I already put the strawberry mix away in the fridge, and it's buried behind all the iced teas...it's all packed in there perfectly. You should see it. Really, it's amazing I fit it all for closing every day. So would you mind banana? I think I can get to that.
Customer: Really, I want strawberry.
Barista: Hows about four berry, and we'll call it a day.
Customer: I guess that'll work.
Barista (starting the blender and shouting): Hey, you want a Diet Coke with this? I'm trying to get rid of those to fit the selzer in the fridge for closing.
Customer: It's 10 a.m.!
Barista: No doubt, but it'll get wild in here later. Here's your four berry! Enjoy!
Customer (taking smoothie): Um, yeah, thanks. Hey, do you have anything fat-free, or do you have the calories listed somewhere?
Barista: We have pastries. They are very, very fattening.
Customer: Oh, well, I'm just trying to watch my calorie intake.
Barista: I've got a Powerbar in my locker if you want it!
Customer: That's okay, I'm allergic to eggs and wheat. What would you suggest?
Barista (smiling wide): I've got another stick of gum in my pocket. Kinda old, but it's sugar-free!
Customer: Never mind. Thank you for the smoothie.
Barista: You’re welcome, but lady, next time, can you come in a little earlier, so that I’m not in the middle of getting ready for closing?
-- C.A. MacConnell
Saturday, March 25, 2023
Success Story: MrBarista777
Letter from MrBarista777 to the F’n Rad Dating Site…
Dear F’n Rad Dating Site:
So jacked up on cold brew, caution wet floor signs up. Clean espresso machine, boss says scrape off crud. Get that fucking couple outta here I wanna go home. Maybe I’ll decapitate him with the mop, that’’l l get them gone. Gotta run, howam I gonnasleep all I ate allday was half a scone, gottachk sched, get some ZZZZzzsss b4 next shift. Just downed a leftover fucked up peppermint mocha. Damn I’m shaking, Xo. Hey, XO298, meet you at 3am. It’s llpm now, have to be back in at 4am. Lady, I have a doctorate marry me. No time to write, recorded my day to seal deal. Chk it out. CYOU at 3 hopng. CYA. OUT.
Customer: Hi, I'd like a coffee.
Barista: What size?
Customer: What size do you have?
Barista: Small, medium, large
Customer: I'd like a small.
Barista: Light or dark roast?
Customer: Light.
Barista: Hot or luke warm?
Customer: Um, hot.
Barista: With grounds in it or no grounds?
Customer (hands on hips): no grounds...
Barista: For here or to go?
Customer: To go.
Barista: Would you like it double-cupped?
Customer: Just give me my coffee?!
Barista: Would you like a sleeve? Some people don't want to waste the paper.
Customer: Yes, a sleeve! I'm in a hurry!
Barista: Sorry, did you say small?
Customer: Yes, small!
Barista: Okay, so small, light roast, hot, no grounds, to go, with a sleeve, you're in a hurry, small for sure?
Customer: How long have you worked here?
Barista: Okay, so small, light roast, hot, no grounds, to go, with a sleeve, you're in a hurry, small for sure, and you are very nosy?
Customer (turning to leave): I'll just go down the street, never mind.
Barista: Wait, so that was small coffee, light roast, hot, no grounds, to go, with a sleeve, you're in a hurry, small for sure, you are very nosy, and you are leaving?
Customer (turning back around): I have never had such poor service. How is it that you still work here?
Barista (writing on the cup): Let me just check again with you...small coffee, light roast, hot, no grounds, to go with a sleeve, you're in a hurry, small for sure, you are very nosy, and you aren't leaving yet because you're taking out your childhood angst on me?
Customer (walks out): I'm calling the manager.
Barista: Wait! Here's your coffee! Don't forget to tip me!
Customer: Whoa, it's like a sauna outside.
Barista: Want a hot chocolate?
Customer: Funny, I was thinking something refreshing, like an iced tea.
Barista: Hows about a scalding Americano?
Customer: Maybe I'll just have a bottle of water. Do you have that?
Barista: There's a special on extra hot lattes.
Customer: Do you really work here?
Barista: Couple months.
Customer: Seems like I've seen you longer. I'd like an iced tea.
Barista: What kind? We have 50 different kinds.
Customer: Really, what are they?
Barista: How about a milk steamer?
Customer: No, I want an iced tea.
Barista: Hm, you want ice in it?
Customer: Yes!
Barista: The ice is all stuck together. I'll have to go get my chisel and hammer it apart. How about a nice hot mocha while you're waiting?
Customer: It's raining cats and dogs out there.
Barista: I thought I saw lightning.
Customer: Hm, I haven't seen lightning.
Barista: Oh, that must've just been when I slammed the electrical cord in the fridge again, no worries.
Barista: Lady, can I take your glass? Or are you still working on that frap?
Customer: Still working on it.
Barista (grabbing across the table): How about your straw?
Customer: Still using it!
Barista (grabbing across the table): Your spoon? Doesn't look like you're using that.
Customer: I'm going to use it!
Barista (taking the napkin): Man! Relax, lady! Just trying to be helpful.
Customer: Before I go, can I add on one of those chocolate cupcakes you had yesterday?
Barista: We had those yesterday, not today. What we have is out on display.
Customer: Oh, bummer.
Barista: Yeah, sorry.
Customer: What about those chicken breakfast wraps?
Barista: Negative. What we have is on display.
Customer: Where's the display?
Barista: Oh fuck, I knew I forgot something this morning.
Customer: Can I have some water?
Barista: Sure, today it's free.
Customer: Isn't it always free?
Barista: For you, yes, because you are one hot damn hippie.
-- C.A. MacConnell
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Advertisement: Nip Tuck
A message from our sponsor, B.S. Investments...
Horse for Sale: Nip Tuck
5 y.o. Quarter horse/Morgan/Welsh Cross stallion, 14'3. A handy, hungry, brave hunter, B.S. Investments' Nip Tuck has been showing successfully in the 3' Large Pony Hunter division on the A-circuit. After having spent the winter licking up choice bran mashes at Wellington in Florida, Nip Tuck flew into Lexington to swallow all entries in the ring at Kentucky Indoors. Always a showstopper, Nip Tuck has proven to trample the class both over fences and on the flat, beating the top movers in the undersaddle classes in the entire country. Tuck has had only two bouts of stomach aches, thyroid issues, and severe colic symptoms per year. Once, good ol' Tuck went straight into the show ring with a twisted intestine and came out making manure like the best of the herd. Another time, after overdosing on grass, Tuck had foundered so badly that his front hooves were horizontal, and his bones were holding him up, and he still trooped into the jumper ring, and he later led the Pony Open Jumper class in Wilmington with a time of 50.4, winning the blue. Occasionally, Tuck has needed an oil and lube or a ride in the trailer to keep him alive, but other than that, he is sweet, gentle, and an extremely easy keeper. This pony only ingests one flake of grass hay per week, so the boarding cost is always at a minimum. No worries if the competition is looking fancy. Once Nip Tuck enters the ring, all of the other ponies suffocate. He is a proven winner through and through. And through. And through...
For more information on B.S. Investments' Nip Tuck, contact our 30-year veteran trainer, Priscilla Isabel Soundbury at 543-TUCK.
B.S. Investments
-- C.A. MacConnell
Hello daters on the prowl! Hot singles on the scene! You're in the right place. We at the F'n Rad Dating apologize for the long hiat...
Hi F'n Rad daters! We at the F'n Rad Dating Site have been on an extended hiatus, but please don't dismay! Stay on the prowl, da...
Letter from potential dater, MaxBowWowDownToYou, to the F’n Rad Dating Site Dear F’n Rad Dating Site: Hello sssweethearts. As I’m a canine b...